
Released: 24/06/24

Dependencies: MtoA, Arnold, V-Ray 6.20, Renderman 26.1, Redshift 3.6.01

Changes & Bug Fixes

  • updated to Renderman 26.1.
  • updated Bend node to evaluate parameters on a per vertex basis.
  • removed redundant license availability check in pgYetiGraphPanel.mel which could cause issues when using newer licenses with old releases.


WindowsMaya 2024Maya 2023
LinuxMaya 2024Maya 2023


Released: 25/04/24

Dependencies: MtoA, Arnold, V-Ray 6.20, Renderman 25.2, Redshift 3.6.01

Changes & Bug Fixes

  • updated to Redshift 3.6.01.
  • fixed a bug that caused the Clump node to crash without a second input.
  • Ctrl-G/Ctrl-Shift-G can be used to group and ungroup nodes.
  • Ctrl-LMB on curves in the Curve Sampler UI will delete them.


WindowsMaya 2024Maya 2023
LinuxMaya 2024Maya 2023


Released: 19/04/24

Dependencies: MtoA, Arnold, V-Ray 6.20, Renderman 25.2, Redshift 3.5.24

Changes & Bug Fixes

  • improved stiffness constraints in the dynamics solver.
  • added empty pgYetiVRayPreRender and pgYetiVRayPostRender commands to accommodate scenes migrated from pre 5.x releases. 
  • resolved a display issue that was causing strands to become too transparent at the base.
  • improved Groom context marking menus popup response.
  • resolved an issue that caused VRay viewport rendering to update continuously. 


WindowsMaya 2024Maya 2023
LinuxMaya 2024Maya 2023


Released: 28/03/24

Dependencies: MtoA, Arnold, V-Ray 6.20, Renderman 25.2, Redshift 3.5.24

Changes & Bug Fixes

  • updated to MtoA 5.4.1 and Arnold 7.3.1.
  • implemented context aware marking menus for Grooming tools.
  • resolved a bug that caused the paint attribute fill to produce erroneous results.
  • each node now has a Seed Override and Seed Override Value which replaces the graphs global seed.
  • made sure our VRay translator had the correct prefix on Linux.


WindowsMaya 2024Maya 2023
LinuxMaya 2024Maya 2023


Released: 22/03/24

Dependencies: MtoA, Arnold, V-Ray 6.20, Renderman 25.2, Redshift 3.5.24

Changes & Bug Fixes

  • made sure sampled grooms with density values higher than 1.0 are handled the same was as previous releases. 
  • Mesh objects are now draw in the viewport using assigned Maya shader.
  • Refactored the Clump node to provide a modest speed increase when a large number of source clump curves are used.
  • corrected VRay entries in pgYetiMaya.mod file.


WindowsMaya 2024Maya 2023
LinuxMaya 2024Maya 2023


Released: 26/02/24

Dependencies: MtoA, Arnold, V-Ray 6.20, Renderman 25.2, Redshift 3.5.24

Changes & Bug Fixes

  • improved VP2.0 shading for more realistic interactive lighting feedback.
  • XGen Interactive Grooms can now be imported into Yeti graphs.
  • added a new Groom sampler which can be used to sample attributes from input Grooms and referenced by parameters in the graph.
  • Groom sampler can take a specialized "length" attribute which samples the groom strands length.
  • Groom deformation layers are now animatable. 
  • internal optimizations and refactoring that improve overall performance.
  • due to optimizations in how weights are computed we've removed all weight caching that was previously implemented, this should reduce memory usage considerably for large/dense systems.
  • fibres lengths can be adjusting using the new Set Length and Length Value parameter's in the Geometric Tab of the Attribute node.
  • Interactive renders now render from memory vs. using a temporary disk cache.
  • implemented Feather curve attribute multipliers, these can modulate the overall effect of the curve based parameters and also provide a _mult attribute (ie. feather_width_mult) in the graph allowing graph based modulation. 
  • added new transferAttribute command that will transfer attributes (including Length) between grooms.
  • added Barb Density ramp to feather object to modulate density along the length of a feather.
  • the File node defaults to $time vs $F for Frame Time.
  • updated groom viewport representation to improve strand visibility.
  • added a brush randomness parameter to randomize grooming strokes.
  • exported attribute textures are now written as 32 bit vs 8 bit. 
  • added marking menus for various Maya nodes.
  • added Attraction parameter to Clump node to allow expression and curve Samplers to be applied more easily to control the shape of individual clumps.
  • Groom component editing now supports soft selection and weighted transformation.
  • Groom strand creation can be controlled by segment count as well as segment length.
  • Correct weighted soft selection feedback for Feathers in Maya Viewport.
  • added strand transparency and strand width controls to Maya Groom node.
  • implemented support for VRay IPR via new VRay export API.
  • Arnold extension is now initialized in parallel, this can be turned off by setting the environment variable YETI_ARNOLD_SERIAL_INIT to 1. 
  • ported all random numbers to Rand48 for better non-repetitive characteristics.
  • a memory leak visible during Alembic Export when using texture files has been resolved.
  • updated pgYetiMaya.mod file to add environment variable configuration for rendering extensions.
  • updated to VRay 6.20.

  • updated to Redshift 3.5.24.

  • toggling a selected nodes ignore state will be applied to all other selected nodes (and only within a selection).


WindowsMaya 2024Maya 2023
LinuxMaya 2024Maya 2023